Imagine : Discover : Believe

Walking To Work

Further information is available at the following sites:

This site presents self-guided walks from stations on the Great Scenic Railways of Devon & Cornwall, picturesque branch lines in the far South West of England. Walks all start and end at rural railway stations served by regular, year round train services. So use the link to enjoy discovering more about the trails through these stunning rural locations.

Living Streets is the national charity that represents pedestrians and work with you to create safe, attractive, enjoyable streets where it’s great to walk. There are local groups up and down the country getting over 1.6 million children involved in our Walk to School campaign each year.

a website that promotes walking g as a healthy exercise, what ever level  of fitness you have.

A walking route planner between any two points, and provides a route map that includes your journey time, calorie burn, step count and carbon saving. It’s quick, free, healthy and green.

The Ramblers is Britain's walking charity, working to safeguard the footpaths, the countryside and other places we go walking, and to encourage more people to take up walking. With 119,000 members in England, Scotland and Wales, we've been working for walkers for 76 years.

A new interactive website is currently being developed which will provide the latest information on walking, cycling and public transport.

Note: Links to other sites and telephone numbers included are provided for your information and convenience only, and no responsibility or liability can be accepted for the content, accuracy or any other aspects of these sites.


Walking is the cheapest way to get around and is a great way to improve your health, fitness, well-being and energy levels.

There will be good quality, direct and well lit pedestrian routes to let you walk through Cranbrook, providing safe and convenient routes to the local amenities including high street shops, community facilities and local employment areas.

Pedestrian routes will be provided to link Cranbrook with the neighbouring area of Rockbeare, Whimple and Broadclyst Station via the former A30, following a new footway/cycleway.

A public footpath runs between the Jack-In-The-Green Inn and Rockbeare. Walking routes will also be provided within the Cranbrook Country Park.  These will follow the line of the Crannaford/Rockbeare Streams and provide alternative routes to the railway station which is due to be operational by the end of 2014 / early 2015.


Walking Map
© Crown copyright and database rights 2013 Ordnance Survey 100023746 

Benefits of walking:

  • Lack of exercise cause more illness than smoking.
  • Moderately paced walks for about 40 minutes are best for losing weight.
  • Faster paced walks for about 20 minutes are best for improving heart and lung function.
  • You can cover around 2 miles in half an hour walking.
  • Walking for half an hour can burn 200 calories.

Transport Information

  • Walking